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- Das Konzept

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The Hand in Hand Parenting approach, Parenting by Connection, helps families build a stronger parent-child connection. This strong emotional bond is the hallmark of happy, well-adjusted families. It’s also the soundest way to a better society.

Recent research shows that regardless of background, a close parent-child connection throughout childhood and beyond is the strongest factor in preventing a variety of health and social problems, including young people’s involvement in drugs, violence, and unintended pregnancies.

While other parenting styles may be effective in altering your child's behavior in the short term, they are not associated with the long-term benefits of authoritative parenting. When parents combine warmth with reasonable expectations, their children develop good judgment over time without being threatened or punished. Other long- term benefits include a solid parent-child connection, emotional intelligence, and heightened resiliency. Our approach, Parenting by Connection, does just this. It helps parents remain warm, engaged and connected while setting the limits their children need.

"Hand in Hand Parenting offers the best way I have found to raise healthy children and build a healthy world. Helping children feel connected and joyful is the surest strategy I know for building a better future."
Joe Hudson David & Barbara Jacobs Foundation

Happy Family

Die Ergebnisse der Forschung zeigen, dass – egal welche Herkunft oder Erziehung wir haben – eine enge Verbindung zwischen Eltern und Kind während der gesamten Kindheit und auch darüber hinaus, die wichtigste Rolle dabei spielt, eine Anzahl von gesundheitlichen oder sozialen Schwierigkeiten zu verhindern – darin eingeschlossen Drogenprobleme, Gewalt oder ungewollte Schwangerschaften.

Andere Erziehungsmethoden verändern vielleicht das Verhalten des Kindes für eine kurze Zeit, haben jedoch nicht den langfristigen Nutzen des Ansatzes von Hand in Hand Parenting.

Wenn es Eltern gelingt, menschliche Wärme und Nähe mit angemessenen Erwartungen zu kombinieren, werden ihre Kinder in der Lage sein, im Laufe der Zeit ein gutes Urteilsvermögen zu entwickeln, ohne das mit Strafe gedroht oder bestraft werden muss.

Ein weiterer Nutzen unseres Ansatzes liegt darin, dass er als Resultat eine starke Eltern-Kind-Verbindung, emotionale Intelligenz und erhöhte Resilienz beim Kind bewirkt.

Der Ansatz von Hand in Hand ermöglicht es den Eltern, menschliche Wärme und Nähe zu geben und eine gute Verbindung zu ihren Kindern zu bewahren, während sie gleichzeitig angemessene, liebevolle Grenzen setzen.

Listening to children - the result: a powerful connection

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At Hand in Hand Parenting, we recognize that all children have an innate desire to love and be loved. We also recognize that emotions are important signposts to a child’s interior world. We help parents and caregivers listen to tears and tantrums without becoming reactive or trying to “fix” them. Navigating these strong emotions with warmth results in the deepest connection possible. Hand in Hand also shows parents how to balance authoritative limits with free-flowing play and one-on-one time.

Helping parents build support

Happy Friends Laughing
Two Friends Chatting

Deeply listening to a child in distress greatly increases the child's sense of safety and connection. There's simply no better way to handle emotional moments. As rewarding as it is, parenting this way requires internal resources. That's why Hand in Hand has such a strong focus on empowering parents. We know it's hard to build trust and closeness with your children when you're feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

In our classes, we provide parents with the resources, tools, and the listening they themselves need so they can remain steady when their children most need their support.

Building community to help parents and children

We also help parents create a web of caring and reciprocal relationships. Not only does this reduce their sense of isolation, but parents who feel understood by their peers are then able to offer deeper understanding, as well as firm but caring limits, to their children. Listening, respect, and warmth have repeatedly proven to have a positive impact on both parents and their children. 

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